Juniper Was Good

Who was good? Juniper Was Good! Juniper Was Good is a band from the Peoria area. They are a three-member group, consisting of Kuda, Kuba, and Andrew. Kuda is on vocals and bass, along with acoustic guitar. Kuba plays the electric guitar, and Andrew is on the drums, as well as support vocals and the occasional guitar. I can't stress it enough when I say that Kuda has some of the most angelic vocals in the area. There is something about it that makes me instantly happy. Kuda, Kuba, and Andrew are a lively bunch, and have a great stage presence. Additionally, they are great at enabling crowd interaction. It is hard not to dance and clap along when they are playing! Juniper Was Good released their latest single "softie" on August 30th, which is one song off of their upcoming EP Don't Tell Mom . This song is their first release in three years, and I am excited to have more Juniper Was Good to listen to! One of my personal favorite songs by them is "Midnight Screening...